Event Update: Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge

Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge was organized on 21st November 2019 in the school, the Event was proposed by CBSE, New Delhi.

Students from class 8th, 9th and 10th participated in this competition with enthusiasm and keen to learn approach. For stage 1, an offline test was conducted at the school level where all the registration was done on the CBSE online portal. For an offline test, 10 rooms were allocated and 20 invigilators were given for 365 registered students.

As per the CBSE guidelines, Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge is regarding the ability to reason logically and present arguments in honest and convincing ways is a skill that is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. In mathematics, students learn that, with proper reasoning and assumptions, they can arrive at results that they can fully trust to be true in a wide variety of real-life contexts. While applying mathematics in daily life students develop the competencies required for mathematization.

During the process of mathematization, students recognize and identify opportunities to use mathematics and then provide mathematical structure to a problem presented in some contextualized form. It is important that students apply mathematical concepts, facts, procedures and reasoning to solve mathematically formulated problems to obtain mathematical conclusions. Students should also be able to reflect upon mathematical solutions, results or conclusions and interpret them in the context of the real-life problem.

Eligibility and Stages: Class VIII – X students only, Stage 1 (Offline), Stage 2 (Online) top 3 students who are selected by school after Stage 1 test.

Area of Assessment:

  1. Application of Mathematics in daily life (20 marks)
    • Change and relationships
    • Space and Shape
    • Quantity
    • Uncertainty and data
  2. Joy of Mathematics Learning (20 marks)
    • Puzzles
    • History of Mathematics
    • Current affairs in Mathematics
    • Mathematics all around us
  3. Mathematical ability (20 marks)
    • Numerical Ability
    • Reasoning
    • Spatial Ability


  1. Students have learnt the importance of Mathematics.
  2. Some of the students have benefitted in preparation for the exam.


Here’s the Result of the Offline Test

  1. Sachin Kumar (Class 9)
  2. Ayush Kumar (Class 10)
  3. Aakriti Kumari (Class 10)

We would like to express our special thanks to CBSE for organizing such types of competition and it shows a better direction for the future of Students and School. We also like to thank our school management for providing a platform to conduct such events.