15th August Celebration

Independence Day is celebrated throughout India and every corner of the country on 15th August every year. Independence Day is celebrated by every citizen of India irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

After more than two hundred years of British rule, India finally won back its freedom on 15th August, 1947. All the patriotic hearts rejoiced at seeing India becoming a sovereign nation and the triumph of hundreds and thousands of martyred souls. It was a birth of a new nation and a new beginning. It was on the eve of 15th of August, 1947 that India tricolor flag was unfurled by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on the ramparts the Red Fort, Delhi.

On the very special and Auspicious occasion of Independence Day, Lakshya International Academy celebrated this day on one day prior i.e 14th August 2019.

A series of Cultural events like

  • Motivational Speeches from Chief Guest Shri. Jageswar Rai Ji, President Shri. Rampravesh Ji and Principal.
  • Series of Patriotic dance, songs, drama, and mimes.
  • Patriotic and Energetic speeches by the students of class 1 to 10.

The event was concluded with Indian national anthem, "Jana Gana Mana". Children were also given sweets and snacks on this happy occasion. Though it was raining children, parents and the local community were gathered for the flag hoisting and participated in this great event. On behalf of these children, we (Lakshya International Academy) extend our deep gratitude to the donors for their valuable support and providing every privilege and opportunity to the down-trodden and underprivileged children of this community.


  1. Learn the Sacrifices made by our ancestor to achieve freedom
  3. Students are Motivated to become good human being
  5. All the Guest, Management, Staff, Students and Parents enjoyed the day with co-curricular activities
  7. Memorize the war fought by our great Freedom fighters


 We would like to express our special thanks to our chief guest Shri Jageswar Rai Ji, Shri Rajeswar Rai Ji, Shri. Vishundeo Rai Ji, Shri. Rampravesh Rai Ji and Shri Vishal Ji to give their presence and motivate our students.